Nentir Vale Campaign
My last post, back in January, was about our 2020 gaming and I mentioned that our current D&D campaign (5th Edition) was set in a reimaging of the Nentir Va...
My last post, back in January, was about our 2020 gaming and I mentioned that our current D&D campaign (5th Edition) was set in a reimaging of the Nentir Va...
Because our main campaign is based on Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, I went ahead and put our Stonehell in the Forgotten Realms simply for the advantage of some famil...
Due to one of our players having a bit of an accident that left her wheelchair bound for a few months and my place not being very handicap accessible, we’...
Our Waterdeep campaign (based on Waterdeep: Dragon Heist) has been going along well and we are about a dozen sessions or so into it. I think everyone is enjoyin...
Long time, no post. The Clerics Three campaign has died the death of a thousand missing players (slight…or not so slight…exaggeration). We had too m...
In our last session, our heroes defended Rooksten from an attack by a warband of orcs. Orcs looking for Chuck! Casualties among the good guys were low–two...
When we last looked in on the Clerics Three, they had arrived in the village of Rooksten, a village that had been attacked. The heroes had largely finished clea...
At the end of our last session, the Clerics Three had, in their role as caravan guards, come across the village of Rooksten and it was not in good shape. The vi...
When we last left our heroes, they had joined a gnome, Bale Havensack III, on his journey to Oldsten as guards. After about four days of largely uneventful trav...